ใช้ ความหนาแน่นของคำหลัก, วาง URL ในช่องป้อนข้อมูลหรือวางข้อความในกล่องข้อความที่กำหนดแล้วคลิกที่ ตรวจสอบความหนาแน่น ปุ่ม.
Keyword density is the percentage of your keyword occurrence in an article or blog post. In SEO, striking an optimal keyword density in an article is very important.
If you don't have enough keyword in your article, Google may have trouble understanding the focus of your article; on the other hand, too much keyword (keyword stuffing) puts you at risk of over-optimization and being penalized. Keyword density checker is the solution of this problem.
The first strategy that comes to mind when considering online marketing and search ranking is Search Engine Optimization.
Earlier SEO was about keyword placement, keyword density, and how many keywords are incorporated to link a page.
But after the release of different updates, a website's SEO should focus solely on relevant keywords, content shared on high authority sites, and responsive design so that it loads quickly on all media.
A common element in the SEO is the keyword density, which involves the website's use of a relevant keyword.
Keyword density is essential because search engines are known to reward websites within the optimum keyword densities and those that fall under the favorable search engine ranking.
The keyword's prominence is the next element that should be considered.
Finally, the inbound links are essential links that reside on other websites and direct traffic to one's website. These links are important as they add value to the inbound links as they are significant examples of one website recommending another website.
Keyword Density Checker helps to create a balance between the number and strength of keywords in your blog content.
When performing a keyword density analysis on your content, exclude the most irrelevant results from your final list. Remember, SEO is all about finding patterns, thoroughly analyzing them, and obtaining actionable data.
Keyword density checker can provide you vital insights like 1-word keyword, 2-words keywords, and 3-words keywords density including percentage and its quantity of usage in the article.
When you start using the keyword density checker online, you must also check other things about the content you are going to submit. Check plagiarism, readability score, and other useful tools that can help you improve your content.
Our tool also checks your content for grammar errors. You can also use the grammar checker tool separately.
It is highly recommended that you pay attention to the keyword density when optimizing your webpage content. Use our Free Keyword Density Analyzer Tool to check your website for keyword density.
Finding keywords for Latent Semantic Indexing is easy and you can do so by going to Google and typing in a keyword or phrase in the search box.
You will notice bolded words on the page, these are LSI keywords and are related to your primary keywords.
Understanding LSI keywords and keyword density will help to keep your website content compliant, searchable and better ranking.
Because the algorithms of the internet and the search engine are always changing.
It is best to always ensure that your website content is compliant with Google and other search engines. Effectively using keywords will help prevent keyword stuffing and be penalized by Google.
This is an easy method and a white hat SEO tactic to help you get ranked while providing better content to your visitor. Use our keyword density checker tool to optimize content using LSI keywords while using the correct keyword density.
We have created a free tool to help you find the right keywords for your website.