反抄袭软件 API 可帮助您将抄袭软件与您的 CMS、CRM 或 LMS 集成。您可以构建实时抄袭检查器,也可以开发立即显示结果的检测器。您可以根据需要更改结果。例如,您还可以发送一个 url 以在检查抄袭时排除。所有细节都在下面提到。
首先,您必须在 check-plagiarism.com 上注册并转到您的帐户以获取 API 密钥。要使用 API,您的帐户电子邮件必须经过验证,或者您可以升级为高级会员(它将自动验证您的电子邮件地址)。在发送 api 请求之前您必须了解的重要事项。
您必须在 api url 上发送 post 请求;不支持获取方法。如何发送帖子请求,您可以在此处获取详细信息。
请求成功后,您将收到 JSON 响应。
使用您的帐户 API 密钥发送发布请求:
每个请求最多可以发送 5,000 个字。如果您的文本超过 5,000 字,那么您可以将文本分成两部分并逐一发送。
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"https://www.check-plagiarism.com/apis/checkPlag"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "key=YOUR_KEY&data='A paraphrasing tool is a sentence rephraser that is ... used as an anti-plagiarism tool.'"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); echo $response;
{ "sources": [ { "title": "Check-Plagiarism API Documentation", "link": "https://www.check-plagiarism.com/id/plagiarism-checker-api-documentation", "count": 4, "percent": 100 }, { "title": "Web search results - plagiarism scrambler", "link": "https://search.zonealarm.com/Search/?&q=plagiarism%20scrambler", "count": 1, "percent": 50 } ], "totalQueries": 3, "plagPercent": 100, "paraphrasePercent": 0, "uniquePercent": 0, "excludeURL": null, "details": [ { "unique": "false", "query": "A paraphrasing tool is a sentence rephraser that is used to change specific words with synonyms and rearrange sentence structure.", "version": 3, "display": { "url": "https://search.zonealarm.com/Search/?&q=plagiarism%20scrambler", "des": "A paraphrasing tool is a sentence rephraser that is used to change specific words with synonyms a nd rearrange sentence structure. It rephrases text, essays,�?..." }, "paraphrase": "false" }, { "query": "It rephrases text, essays, and articles using advanced AI technology.", "version": 3, "unique": "false", "display": { "url": "https://www.check-plagiarism.com/id/plagiarism-checker-api-documentation", "des": "A paraphrasing tool is a sentence rephraser that is used to change specific words with synonyms and rearrange sentence structure. It rephrases text, essays, and articles using advanced AI technology. The paraphrase tool is also used as an anti-plagiarism tool. Our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) uses NLP technology to ...\"" }, "excludeByUrl": false, "paraphrase": "false" }, { "unique": "false", "query": "The paraphrase tool is also used as an anti-plagiarism tool.", "version": 3, "display": { "query": "the paraphrase tool is also used as an anti-plagiarism tool.", "url": "https://www.check-plagiarism.com/id/plagiarism-checker-api-documentation", "des": "synonyms and rearrange sentence structure. it rephrases text essays and articles using advanced ai technology. the paraphrase tool is also used as an anti-plagiarism tool. our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) uses nlp technology to ...\\ }" }, "paraphrase": "false" } ] }