Check Plagiarism have different refund terms for different services
We do not offer 100% accuracy of the results. Our plagiarism checker gives an estimate percentage of matching content found in open sources only. We do not check libraries of universities or collages. Refund requests for missed matches or non-included publications will not be entertained. This Money back guarantee only applies on registered premium users.
Answer: No, you cannot ask for refund if you change your mind or are not satisfied. When you register on our website we offer you 200 queries which provide you better, accurate, and faster search than the free version, so that you can use them to get an idea of the Premium Subscription.
Since, you have used those 200 queries and decided to buy the Premium after that, it is evident that you liked the product.
Answer: Even though it seldom happens that our tool is under maintenance or not giving correct results, the maintenance usually takes no longer than 1 to 2 hours. So once the Plagiarism Checker tool is back, it will be better than before. Refunds are not offered for scheduled system maintenance and if you need to check your document urgently you can contact us on [email protected]
Answer: Absolutely, if you purchased a package twice, we will be happy to issue refund for one of your purchases.
Answer: No, WordPress users cannot ask for a refund due to error in their plagiarism checker plugin.
Answer: No, API Premium plans are not covered under money back guarantee.
Answer: Items bought on Sale or discounted prices cannot be refunded. Only rebilling can be cancelled for future.
Yes, you can get a refund with in next 15 days if you have purchased SEO service plan. After 15 days you will lose your right to refund. You have 15 days to request a refund, starting from the date you purchased SEO Services Plan.
We do not guarantee that you will rank in search engines or not. You cannot request a refund on the basis of google ranking. If you have ordered for direct backlinks and we failed to provide backlinks you ordered then you can ask for a refund.
We do not guarantee that backlinks you purchased from us will stay a life time. We guarantee that those backlinks will be live for at least next 30 days. You have 30 days to request a refund, starting from the date you purchased Backlinks Plan. After 30 days you will lose your right to ask a refund.
You cannot ask for a refund for web design and development services. As we charge step by step for those services, that clearly means you are satisfied with our services. You can stop using our services whenever you want, but any payments that made before could not be refunded.
In Very Simple Words, if you purchased any web services via check-plagiarism you cannot ask for a refund either if you are satisfied or not.
To make a refund request, please email us at [email protected] and describe the reason, why you want this refund.
When you will request for a refund, any purchase made from that email will not be accepted.